SPECIAL: Done For You Plant-Based Meal Plan Mini Course. Use Code BG60 for 60% OFF!

Thank you for grabbing the Beginner's Guide to Plant Based Nutrition. The free guide will hit your email in 5 minutes. Right now, I have a special offer for you that will maximize your plant based journey! 

Done For You Meal Plans For Endurance Athletes

8 Weeks of Plant Based Nutrition

Stop "winging" your nutrition and START fueling your athlete body so you can improve your performance & recovery


Regular Price $99 - Just $39 with code

Use code BG60 at checkout for 60% off!

This 100% Beginner Friendly course comes with a variety of great tasting, nutrient-dense plant-based meals... that are fast & easy to prepare,even if you don't like to cook!

See Why So Many Athletes are RAVING About Our Done For You Meal Plans:

"This has been great and really helped me feel stronger in my training!

Thank you Kathleen!"

Sara R. - Ironman World Champion Triathlete

 The REAL REASON You’re Not Meal Planning Like A PRO!

Meal planning for your predominantly plant-based diet can be tough. Especially when you don’t even know where to start, you’re stumped when it comes to creating variety, you don’t really understand how to balance your meals with complex carbohydrates, plant protein, and healthy fat, you’re left feeling hungry and with a lack of energy and you REALLY don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen creating your plant-based masterpiece meals!

Hey...I get it!

And if you’re like most endurance athletes, then you probably feel overwhelmed, confused and maybe even a bit frustrated with meal planning...really unsure how long you can continue on this plant-based path before you throw your hands up and just go back to the easier way of eating...your old habits, right?

Most endurance athletes think that to get the best results, meal planning has to be perfect, and if it can’t be perfect, why even try.

Because of this, you’re like most endurance athletes I meet, the biggest HURDLE that keeps them from meal planning is that darn rock-in-your-shoe question:

How do I plan a variety of great tasting & nutrient-dense meals that will help with my athletic performance....AND that are easy and fast to prepare?

Which of these thoughts loop the loudest in your head?

  • Where do I even start? Its confusing. What should I be eating?
  • I need quick and easy recipes.
  • I’m always hungry on a plant-based diet and feeling zapped of energy.
  • What plant foods give me a good nutritional balance?
  • Meal planning is just too time consuming.
  • I need more inspiration in planning my plant-based meals.
  • Eating plant-based is boring.
  • I need more variety, I’m tired of eating the same things over and over.
  • If I go plant-based where do I get my protein from?

Look, you can have ALLLL the top-notch equipment BUT if you’re not giving your athlete body the nutrition it needs on a day-to-day basis it’s not going to matter if you're racing with your old 10-speed bike OR your brand new Ventum.

Well heck!

Choosing not to meal plan and running the risk of continuously under fueling because you're just “winging it” could ultimately result in an injury or even worse a DNF.

And that very thought is frightening to every triathlete!

The guilt that sets in when you finally face the fact that you haven't been focused on your nutrition, you feel like you've wasted months or even years training and racing knowing that your performance and recovery could have been better if only you had been feeding your body proper nutrition day in and day out. 

But it's that confusion and overwhelm, the thought that it needs to be perfect or you just don't even know where to start with plant-based meal planning that keeps many athletes from ever starting. 

The Cold Hard Truth is:

The real culprit is not having any plan at all, increasing your chances of under fueling and therefore under performing.

Do you want that to be YOU?

Do you train without a plan?

Do you go into a race without a plan?


I'm guessing the answer is NO!

If you don’t solve this, then unfortunately you run the risk of under maximizing your potential and you’re left feeling hungry and tired and generally under fueled which leads to lackluster workouts and race results. 

I'm guessing you're an athlete that wants to do a better job nourishing and fueling your athlete body, but...

I know, it's confusing and it's takes commitment so you'd rather do a double Ironman versus put the effort into figuring it out.

That's why I have put this 8-Week Plant-Based Meal Plan together for you. 

The REAL REASON you're not meal planning is because you just feel stuck and UNTIL you can get past your mental roadblocks you'll continue to spectate from the sidelines.

Wishing you had more variety in your diet, you had a better understanding on how to balance your meals with complex carbohydrates, plant protein, and healthy fat, you felt more nourished and fueled no longer hungry and with a lack of energy and you just had more inspiration for your plant-based meals.

Seriously, show me JUST ONE successful athlete you look up to that doesn't stress the importance of nutrition for performance AND recovery.

 You can’t!

That’s because they know what you may not have realized until right now:

When successful athletes have a problem, they seek out the SPECIALIST, not the generalist. And that’s because the brain makes decisions to trust those who are perceived as THE authority. The Expert. The BEST.

Would you take your bike to a car mechanic to get it fixed? NO, you would take it to the a bike shop you trust.

I've helped countless endurance athletes discover how to fuel and nourish better with a predominantly plant-based diet, NOW I want to help you!

If you’ve already felt the nudge towards being a better fueled athlete, then that means you already DO have what it takes within you to step into that role and this 8-Week Plant-Based Plan is perfect for you!






Enjoy A Variety Of Great Tasting & Nutrient-Dense Meals That Will Help With Your Athletic Performance....AND That Are Easy And Fast To Prepare... 

...or Your Money Back!

Here's what you get and more!

  • Your new recipes are completely balanced and 100% plant-based, no more boring plant-based meals.
  • Over 100 new delicious recipes to fuel and nourish your body every week for 8 weeks.
  • Each week comes with a done-for-you grocery list.
  • Most of your new recipes are quick and easy, so that means they can be prepared in 30 minutes or less. 
  • We've made things EXTRA easy for you, each week comes with a done-for -you meal prep guide so you don't have to think about a thing.
  • These meal plans provide LOADS of fiber, vitamins and minerals and plant compounds that will keep you running like a high performance athlete!
  • Receive 3 AMAZING Bonuses when you join!
Get Instant Access Now! Use Code BG60 For 60% Off

To Let You Know How Much I Want To Help You, I Have Some Extra "Goodies" For You!

You also get 3 AMAZING Bonuses to make your plant-based journey easy without all the confusion and overwhelm. These tools will help you simplify everything you do with this 8-week plan!

#1 Amazing Bonus

How to Meal Plan Like a Pro & Meal Prep Like a Chef Workbook

Now it's your turn to meal plan! Having a system that works for you is KEY to consistency and success with meal planning. When you have a system in place you to have more control over how you fuel and nourish your athlete body for your overall health, better performance AND recovery.

#2 Amazing Bonus

How to Create an Athlete Pantry

Having a well-stocked pantry is essential to meeting your food and nutrition goals as an athlete! Meal planning becomes much easier and more convenient when your pantry is organized. A well stocked pantry also allows for easy go-to meals on busy days.

#3 Amazing Bonus

4 Must Have Tips To Easily Power Up Your Breakfast With Protein 

This guide with help you set the tone for the day and start you off in the right direction. Nourishing and fueling your body with breakfast not only influences your energy levels but allows your body to recover quicker after your morning workout.

You're Protected by our No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The guarantee that makes this a complete no-brainer:

If you're not totally thrilled with this value packed 8 week plant-based meal plans for endurance athletes mini course just email us at support@eatlovetriathlon and we will refund you 100%!

In other words, if you don't enjoy 8 FULL weeks of done for you plant-based meal plans that are quick and easy BUT also nourish and fuel your athlete body, all you need to do is email us and we will happily refund 100% of your funds — no questions asked. PLUS you get to keep all the bonuses!

Does Meal Planning Really Help Me Perform Better?

Is Nutrition Really That Important?

I've seen so many endurance athletes put 100% of their focus on training and race gear but their nutrition seems to be an after thought. Not taking the time to nourish and fuel your athlete body day in and day will keep you stuck.

Your performance will suffer and you might even struggle with injury.

Which means if you never get the nutrition part figured out, you might never see the improvements in your performance that you're shooting for… which means snagging that personal best moves further and further away! 

So, it’s for that reason that I want to make sure I get this mini-course into as many hands as I possibly so you can stop wasting anymore time and start nourishing and fueling your athlete body now!

Meal planning is ESSENTIAL.

And when you finally just start, you'll realize how it can save you time, how much more energy you have because you're nourishing and fueling your athlete body intentionally AND you'll find this relieves the stress and anxiety of - what the heck you're going to eat.

If you'd like my help and guidance to get you started, your investment is just $99.

BUT, if you use code BG60 at check out you will receive 60% off our regular price because you grab the Endurance Athletes Beginner's Guide to Plant Based Eating!

...and remember! If you don't feel nourished, fueled and full of energy by the end of the 8 weeks, I'll give you your money back! So, what do you really have to lose?

And by passing up on this one-time-offer, are you really saying that providing your body with adequate plant-based fuel is NOT worth $39 to you?

Let's hope not! 

So, if you're ready to finally stop "winging" it and you want to follow a plan that will nourish and fuel your body for performance and recovery for a full 8 weeks, then get registered by clicking the button at the bottom of the page and you can get started today!

So, Let's Recap!

When you join the 8-Week Done for You Plant-Based Meal Plans For Endurance Athletes Mini Course you get instant access to:

  • 8-weeks of meal planning

  • 100+ plant-based recipes

  • 8-weeks of  done for you grocery lists

  • 8-weeks of done for you meal prep guides


AND don't forget!



✔️  How to Meal Plan Like A Pro & Meal Prep Like A Chef Workbook

✔️  How to Create a Plant-Based Athlete Pantry

✔️  The 4 Must Have Tips to Easily Power up Your Breakfast with Plant Protein

So Now It's Time for You to Make One of Two Choices...

 The first choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you already know, if you choose nothing...then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you want to improve your nutrition, performance and your recovery, then your obvious choice is: join us inside the 8-Week Done For You Plant-Based Meal Plans For Endurance Athletes Mini Course and start your transformation to becoming a stronger, confident and fully fueled athlete. 

Simply click the button below and we'll be waiting for you on the inside! 




Only $99/$39 with code


Use Code BG60 for 60% Off

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